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Wow, Recovery day 4 already!

Hi guys! Not much to add to today. I ate a bit of food, didn’t drink any water. Went pee three times. Mom gave me benedryl because my stitches are starting to get itchy Mom thinks, because I kept looking at them like something was crawling there! I keep barking and growling at sounds and people coming in, or walking outside… mom told me she wishes they’d have taken my vocal chords instead of my leg, ha ha ha! My brusing is down, everything is going well besides my eating/drinking issues (but thats how it was before the accident) so. More updates tomorrow maybe.

Love Ellie.

2 Responses so far »

  1. jerry said,

    May 28, 2011 @ 6:42 pm     Reply

    Ok I’m confused, how did you not drink any water but peed three times?


    I think your barking and growling is a very good sign that you’re doing GREAT! Silly humans, I tell ya.

    • Kailyn & Ellie said,

      May 28, 2011 @ 9:42 pm     Reply

      I didn’t! But I peed! Strange huh? I think it’s all the extra fluid from the IV’s from surgery and from swelling maybe. I don’t know. and thats good!

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