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Hoppy Tri-Day… See what I did there?

I really crack myself up, ha! Here I am in all my tripod glory, even though I look normal, just something is missing….

Mom tells me ‘treat’ or ‘park’ when she wants me to look and perk my ears up. Ha! I fall for it every time! It’s been 1 year 9 months 2 weeks and 6 days since my amputation, and I am doing ‘normal’. Which for me is I can do everything I did before (lessen amount of play time in winter so we found), as well as my exasperated sighing, barking at anyone outside whether they’re at the door or a half a mile away, swim, run as fast as before, play in the snow, walk, PEE, roll. Yippee. Mom hates recalling the day she watched me get hit, it was very hard on her. It seems like the 7 days until my amputation were JUST as hard. Mom recalls coming to see me after my surgery, and the lady says she’s tired and probably wont move too much, but I RAN out to mom on my new 3 legs and I was SO excited to see her I was whining this whine… Mom is tearing up now thinking of it, she says even though I’m a Sh**, annoying and irritating, she loves me and doesn’t know what she’d do without me. We have that kind of relationship.




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Still struggling with some 3-legged things.

So, because it’s winter and I hate winter, it’s cold! Ellie gets really really bored.. and annoying… really…really… annoying…so I took her to the dog park, we went in the little dog enclosed area because no one was in there (Ellie is iffy about other dogs, if they don’t bug her, and don’t chase her, she’ll be fine, but if they do, she snaps back at them [which is understandable] and if theres another alpha female there, ellie 99% of the time wont start a fight, but she will fight if someone else starts one with her, and she gets growly and snappy at other dogs when she has a toy, ya.. so we play alone, she doesn’t play with other dogs anyway.) and we played for probably an hour or so, mostly throwing the ball and her trudging thru the snow at top speed, and then some snow angel making, and digging while laying down in the snow. But when we get home, we relax for a bit… and then I notice Ellie can’t fully stand up. For the rest of the night it is like this, she can’t go much of anywhere, I put her on the foot stool to see if a pillow type thing would help, but it didn’t, and eventually she wanted to go to bed so I walked to her door and expected her to follow me, but i look, and shes in the living room, and im like ‘come on girly’, and she hobbles to the kitchen and can’t go any further because her leg wont work, so I pick her back end up and we walk like that to her room, she gets almost there so I let her go and she drags her butt into her kennel. Why does this happen? It’s fine this morning, and always is. I do notice that when she lays down on the leg too long on a hard surface like our carpet, or the kitchen floor, or the patio concrete, the same thing happens but for a shorter time, like 10-15 minutes. Sometimes less. Anyone else have this happen to them? I kind of know why it happens, in a way, but not at the same time. It makes me so sad, but she doesn’t even notice I swear!

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Well, i think we conquered fleas… and my ear infection has stayed away! I am really annoying though lately, i think I need a day to play all day and then i’ll be good. Ive been laying on furniture while moms gone again, she told me I was a bad girl 🙁 I also lately BEG for her food… i have to sit touching her like normal, and i watch her while she’s eating.. and now i even go into the kitchen while shes cooking! Mom said if i dont stop being naughty shes going to tie me out all day everyday! Mom doesn’t usually walk me outside because i bark at everyone going past and its stressful for her, but she’s thinking she’s going to have to start walking me again especially since it’s going to be getting cold out so no swimming.


Anyone know why I have to be by mom 24/7? She tells me to shoo, but i get up and then walk around and then go right back to sitting as close as I can possibly get, ive done this forever but now mom trips over me and is getting annoyed she says!The barking at everyone walking past the house, or across the street.. a block away… is getting pretty annoying too.


Here is me all dressed up for Halloween!

Sorry we’re not on too often!


Ellie Mae (Ms. Annoying lately)

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Hello again! :) It’s Ellie!

Quick update!

I had fleas/have fleas.. ugh! Mom thinks I got them from our new apartment, but she really doesn’t know. They’re horrible. I also have/keep getting yeast infections in my ears. I had a vet visit 2 weeks ago, everything is good besides the fleas and the ear infection. Apparently I have allergic flea dermatitis, so I’m losing hair in places from itching, and also having skin turn dark. Hopefully we can get a handle on the flea thing, because mom says it’s irritating (my licking ALL the time). It’s irritating because of the sound, plus mom knows I stink horrible and she keeps giving me baths every week or so to kill the fleas and make me smell good, then I lick and smell bad again! And she knows it can’t be fun to be itchy all the time. So mom always goes QUIT LICKIN! to me when I lick, and I stop! Mom set up my pool for me last week outside (it’s a kiddie pool, but not the like 3 foot wide size its about 6 ft wide 1.5 ft deep or so but only filled half way!), and i was rollin in it and stuff. It was a lot of fun, but I wont play in it unless mom is outside. I wont do anything unless mom is there, when mom gets home from work, THEN i chew on my bone. I’m weird I suppose. Mom just rolls her eyes at me, ah ha! I’m still barking at people, but mom is using a spray bark collar which works alright, AND makes me smell good, ‘cept i hate the smell! My business is also having a deal in August since thats our 1 year business-versary! We’re having 20% off jewelry, our 2013 flower calendar goes on sale, buy 4 get the 5th free in treats, spend over $150 get free shipping, and $10 or more donation to our local shelter fundraiser we’re doing gets you entered into a drawing for a free bracelet ! 🙂

Good place to get things for Christmas, we also will give gift certificates out for purchase as well you just need to contact us ! 🙂 Just look me up by name on facebook, Ellie Mae! Duh!

Mom also still hasnt fixed her car, it needs a bearing in the front, new complete brakes, outer tie rod ends, and a CV axle. Mom has the bearing and the tie rod ends, but couldn’t get some things off in order to fix it. So She’s SOL she says whatever that means. She says she’s going to tie me to a wagon and make me take her to work!






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OMG! I’m a lil late…

5 days ago was Ellies 1 year ampuversary! She’s basically her normal self, minus what you’ve all heard with the fleas and itchies and skin color changes (which she was itchy the other day terrible but less today..?). She can hop up in the car JUST like normal, she had to get a running start for a while, or I had to help her. She gets tired easier when we play at the dog park, but part of that is lack of exercise too. I’m hoping she has a million more years with me!

I also found out (not related to the amp topic), that she’s scared of people, because she barks, but thats not new, i figured out what helps, if you ignore her, and let her come to you, she is fine 99% of the time. (She still doesn’t like certain people though..). Now the only thing we have to figure out is how to get her to share with other dogs, and not get irritated with puppies or annoying dogs, sigh! haha. I still wonder if she’d benefit from a companion. Anyway! Soon we’re going to go to my grandma’s when my car is better and i have a bit more spare cash, im going to be very short this summer, not enough financial aid to cover rent & bills, so hoping my job will, which is possible but never know.

Been looking for a new job. This one is so wishy-washy with hours, and more and more I turn into the maid/butler/etc instead of the office helper i was supposed to be.. such as folding & ironing giant loads of laundry? I get 6 hrs a week usually lateley. sometimes 11 if i’m real lucky. So i’ve been looking for something 8-12noon for the same hourly as I get now, but it’s rather difficult to find. Minimum wage just wont cut it, especially part-time 🙁

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Found a flea!

Or what i think was a flea, a bigger one then a little one, above her tail while I was brushing her with the fur buster. Soo, 2 or so weeks ago I gave her Adam’s flea meds, and shes way less itchy, but still itchy none-the-less. Mix of biting a spot, and licking a spot. Should I give her her second dose early incase the first didn’t get it all? The blackness is still there, and looks quite odd when it gets wet, it looks spotted, it’s so odd and hard to describe. I notice the black in other places on her underbelly now too. She’s only three, so i can’t believe that it’s what happens when they age, since shes younger yet. So confusing. Vet visit will be 52 for exam and office visit, and extra for any tests, meds, etc.. so we’re not going that route!

Also, found out what was wrong with my car. I took it in, needs a right front bearing, left drive axle, outer front tie rods, and completely new brakes (rotors, calipers, pads, etc). So. I’m trying to find the cheapest way possible, i can buy a bearing online for 30 bucks plus shipping, or instor for 30, but then i need to find someone to be able to press it into whatever ithas to be pressed into. ha ha. Someone told me carquest here can press it for me for 35 bucks or so depending on how much time it takes, but then i have to figure out how to get it and whatever it needs to be pressed into, out of behind my tire, etc… blah so much work. But when it needs to be done, and you are broke as heck.. Still 60 bucks is 60 bucks. I’m going to try to find someone to press it for free, hopefully & put it in/take out for me. Good luck, i know. So after that’s done, I have to think about what i need to do, he said the drive axle is kind of just going to be a sound for now, and it’s not dangerous because my car will just stop moving, nothing will break off or anything. & tie rods i have no idea. but the brakes he estimated at 677 $$….. yeah right.. i should have went to school for a mechanic. I just should have. lol


-Kailyn & El bel silly girl

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Ellie had a little incident today…

I was letting her in from outside, and watched her get up.. and she couldn’t stand, so i picked her up and put her over the door jam, and massaged her leg and then she was fine. Was it from laying on concrete? I get stiff too if i lay in one position for a while. So.. crossing fingers.. i hate to think that this is going to be what the future holds for her. It makes me sad. I guess i’m hiding from reality, i just was making myself think she’ll be fine with no issues but thinking her leg is there to itch with.. til she dies.. but that’s not the case, and it makes me sad 🙁 I don’t know how i’m going to handle it if she has issues. Is there anything I should do? Maybe get her checked out on her 1 yr ampuversary date?

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Just wanted to show you my new trick!

I can do this trick normally, but this time mom put on more than a couple treats.. AND made a pyramid. 🙂

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We’re back!

We don’t have internet right now, well we do from my phone buuuuttt only 5GB and it’s not enough! I keep going over. Lots has went on, were in an apartment of our own as of 2/1/12, ellie’s okay. Been having the itchies! and had an ear infection which i cured with Wally’s Ear Oil from the health food store. I can’t get her to stop itching though! I just wanted to tell you all ellie has facebook, and a lil store. Lots of big dreams, but not goin so well lol! We also JUST got twitter, cuz it’s less janky than facebook.. @ellie_mae22 ! 🙂

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Pictures from in town the other day.

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