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Oh my dawg! Day 12, 3 days from stitch removal! (Kailyn Blog)

Wow. It’s already day 12… 3 days away (Friday) from getting her stitches removed, most likely. (Well… the ones she didn’t take out herself…). Crazy how much time flies. She’s doing really well. Still not eating too much, had the 2 can (small cans) of food yesterday? or the day before… and a little today. Lots of water (she likes rainwater apparently, not water in her bowl..), I’m hoping she’ll begin to eat soon. She’s getting kind of skinny. She will not eat her dry dog food at all, only some wet, and human food. She does good off her meds. No phantom leg pain yet, lots of itchiness though! (She licks ALL the time like CRAZY), got her some benedryl topial analgesic which works a little I think. She pees twice-three times a day now, depending on how much she drinks (the more she drinks the clearer the pee is i noticed how it was really amber colored before when she wasn’t drinking). She’s playing occasionally, still wont chew on her rawhide or anything like that, loves to chase and eat ice, like usual. Her incison is looking good, red around the stitches though, which is probably normal. Also, her hair is growing in. slow, but it is, and all of it too looks like. No missing patches or anything, whoo hoo. I don’t think theres anything left to add today!

Thanks for all your support, I don’t know how Ellie and I would have gotten through this, or continue to get through this, without you!



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