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Ellie here…

Hey guys!

I eat food now. Except I found i love those samples of infina dog food mom got me, and now i wont eat my normal food, cuz it’s not as delicious and sweet potato and turkey, or bison! Yum!!!! Too bad the only place mom found it is in the co-op store, 12 dollars for a little bag, and like 55 for like a 15-20 pound bag. Yikes! Everything is going pretty good. I had a crazy dream one night, where i was whining, and twitching, and my eyes were rolled back in my head, and mom tried to wake me up and i wouldn’t! She even lifted my chin up, and my head just flopped over! It scared her. So far i’m doing good. I still lick my incision sometimes, and the skin below it looks bruised but it’s just black, yet the hair is white. Don’t know whats up with that. I do really well on 3 legs now, i get better everyday, and i can still roll around like a fruit loop. Eventually mom will try swimming, and see if i do that good too! Thanks for the support guys. We Love you!


P.S. Tripawds rule, monkeybutts drool… just saying…:)

7 Responses so far »

  1. maximutt said,

    June 16, 2011 @ 7:38 pm     Reply

    Ellie, glad to hear you’re doing so well! Try not to be too hard on your Mom with the dog food. Maybe you could try some other really healthy brands that maybe aren’t as expensive. Taste of the Wild is really good, Orijen, Acana. There’s lots out there! Don’t limit yourself too much! Let us know how you do with the swimming, that’s always a lot of fun!!

  2. Kailyn & Ellie said,

    June 16, 2011 @ 7:40 pm     Reply

    Yeah. I know mom loves that food cuz it’s so healthy, and it has what she was looking for (glucosamine, and chondriotin), so she wants to get it but she’d have to really limit things to afford it for me. If she could find it for like 35 online she’d get it! Can’t find it ANYWHERE online though 🙁 I will let you know! I love swimming, and swam in my kiddie pool Sunday! 🙂

  3. Jackie said,

    June 16, 2011 @ 8:42 pm     Reply

    Hey Ellie, it sounds like you are doing well. Keep up the good recovery work! (Sorry – Ellie – I typed your name wrong the first time…)

    Jackie, Abby’s mom.

    (Abby agrees that Tripawds rule!)

  4. etgayle said,

    June 16, 2011 @ 9:39 pm     Reply

    so glad to hear you are feeling better every day. hope you get a chance to swim again this weekend.

    charon & gayle

  5. tatespeeps said,

    June 16, 2011 @ 9:54 pm     Reply


    Stay off that incision! Take it from me, mine took forever to heal because I kept at it and just when my mom thought it was all healed up I tore at it again and it just happened to be the day I was getting a blood test so the vet saw it and now he wants to laser it or cut it out or something. So now I’m wearing that STUPID cone again.

    Okay so, I’m glad you’re doing well and having fun and you will do fine swimming. Mom thought I might swim in circles without my left rudder. Moms! Ya gotta love ’em.


  6. wyattraydawg said,

    June 16, 2011 @ 10:30 pm     Reply

    Tripawds Rule for Sure!

    Hey girlfriend, tell your Mom to check out, they’ve got some good prices on there. Oh another good food you might want to try that isn’t so expensive is Natural Balance. Good stuff and not as expensive as a lot premium foods.

    Keep eating skinny girl, I like my wimmen wit meat on der bonez!

  7. chilidawg said,

    June 17, 2011 @ 7:32 am     Reply

    glad you are feeling better, ellie! hope you get a chance to swim!

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