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Ellie had a little incident today…

I was letting her in from outside, and watched her get up.. and she couldn’t stand, so i picked her up and put her over the door jam, and massaged her leg and then she was fine. Was it from laying on concrete? I get stiff too if i lay in one position for a while. So.. crossing fingers.. i hate to think that this is going to be what the future holds for her. It makes me sad. I guess i’m hiding from reality, i just was making myself think she’ll be fine with no issues but thinking her leg is there to itch with.. til she dies.. but that’s not the case, and it makes me sad 🙁 I don’t know how i’m going to handle it if she has issues. Is there anything I should do? Maybe get her checked out on her 1 yr ampuversary date?

3 Responses so far »

  1. etgayle said,

    April 18, 2012 @ 9:42 pm     Reply

    well…it could be a zillion things, or it could be nothing. laying on concrete is rough on any being, so we’re voting that she was just stiff from the position she was in and knew you’d help her get up and back inside. if you see any additional issues, then the vet is the best place to get answers. moist heat is good for stiff muscles, as is massage. let us know how ellie is doing tomorrow!!

    charon & spirit gayle

    • kailyn_and_ellie said,

      April 19, 2012 @ 8:47 am     Reply

      She did fine right after the incident. Shes still fine this morning. She also has some discoloration on her belly thats been there about since the surgery for her leg, but now i notice it’s spotting down her remaining hind leg. Could be allergies i red, which i suspected because she is itchy like crazy for some reason for a good 5 months atleast.

  2. wyattraydawg said,

    April 21, 2012 @ 1:43 pm     Reply

    It could be a lot of things as Gayle says, and I agree that if this continues that the vet is the best place to check this out. But for now, remember that Ellie just wants to have fun. She isn’t going to focus on the negatives or dwell on the “what ifs.” That’s a human thing. So when you envision her aging (which happens to all of us!), remember to be More Dog and make the most of every minute.

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