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Well, i think we conquered fleas… and my ear infection has stayed away! I am really annoying though lately, i think I need a day to play all day and then i’ll be good. Ive been laying on furniture while moms gone again, she told me I was a bad girl 🙁 I also lately BEG for her food… i have to sit touching her like normal, and i watch her while she’s eating.. and now i even go into the kitchen while shes cooking! Mom said if i dont stop being naughty shes going to tie me out all day everyday! Mom doesn’t usually walk me outside because i bark at everyone going past and its stressful for her, but she’s thinking she’s going to have to start walking me again especially since it’s going to be getting cold out so no swimming.


Anyone know why I have to be by mom 24/7? She tells me to shoo, but i get up and then walk around and then go right back to sitting as close as I can possibly get, ive done this forever but now mom trips over me and is getting annoyed she says!The barking at everyone walking past the house, or across the street.. a block away… is getting pretty annoying too.


Here is me all dressed up for Halloween!

Sorry we’re not on too often!


Ellie Mae (Ms. Annoying lately)

4 Responses so far »

  1. jerry said,

    October 19, 2012 @ 7:28 pm     Reply

    Oh Ellie you are darling in your Halloween outfit!

    Well, I think a lot of why dogs become clingy is because they’re anxious and need to have a job. Other than walking, do you and your Momma play any games together? For a lot of dogs, good ol’ obedience lessons that you can do at home are enough to keep anxiousness and boredom away. There’s a book called “My Smart Puppy” that has some GREAT games you guys can play and I guarantee they’le tire you out so your Mom doesn’t think you’re a pest.

    Glad you got the flea issue under control!

    • kailyn_and_ellie said,

      October 19, 2012 @ 7:30 pm     Reply

      Mom hasn’t done too much with me lately, shes been a little depressed, and busy with school too. She says i have a million toys why wont i play by myself.

  2. Lucys Mom said,

    October 20, 2012 @ 1:12 pm     Reply

    Ellie we love your outfit! I like to bug my mom too! I require lots of attention and my new thing is heading out front and walking our community. Now that the heat is gone mom likes taking me out but complains that I must do it every night. Why don’t they understand? They get out of the house everyday, why can’t we? The backyard just doesn’t cut it anymore. Sometimes mom calls me a monster… Hang in there Ellie, we’ll work it out. -Lucy

    • kailyn_and_ellie said,

      December 15, 2012 @ 5:27 pm     Reply

      Thanks! Mom forced me outside about half the day today (it was raining/snowing) and i still whined when I came in. I can be out all day and do this. I have a lot of toys, balls, bones, can go outside.. so it’s not like I don’t get to go outside. Mom even got me some rawhide chips tonight I’ve been soo annoying today she says, and i ate one and then didn’t want to chew on another and then decided to be annoying again. Mom said maybe I should go to bed .. lol!

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